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Company profile

Reg medical is headquartered in shenzhen, the company focuses on the field of health care with an international vision.

Care for patients and medical staff, based on the two key words of "innovation" and "safety ", continue to provide more" innovation "and" safety "products for the medical and health field.

Meanwhile, the company, together with Swiss MEDICALHOLODECK company, launches VR+IMAGING. IMAGING technology to make images more vivid. Through the cloud service, let the image closer.

疏附县| 乐平市| 淮北市| 崇文区| 弥渡县| 长武县| 延寿县| 湖州市| 塔城市| 莱西市| 昌都县| 周宁县| 达孜县| 垣曲县| 永寿县| 陕西省| 翁源县| 石棉县| 海宁市| 齐齐哈尔市| 隆昌县| 文水县| 池州市| 浠水县| 蕲春县| 即墨市| 安宁市| 庐江县| 张家港市| 沂南县| 延川县| 台中市| 息烽县| 来安县| 安泽县| 奎屯市| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 陆河县| 洞头县| 周至县| 辽宁省|