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Corporate culture

Corporate culture

To become the leader of safety innovation in the field of health care

Through innovation, more people can enjoy safer medical services

Core values:
Care for patients' safety treatment, care for health care workers' work safety, care for employees' physical and mental health and development
Use fair, fair and objective evaluation system to unite, respect and develop people
Actions speak louder than words, good results are as important as rigorous process, and doing wrong is better than not doing well

化州市| 日照市| 大同市| 城口县| 西丰县| 穆棱市| 天津市| 泸西县| 昭通市| 中超| 荆州市| 兰考县| 高州市| 宁国市| 贡觉县| 宁安市| 沾益县| 犍为县| 福鼎市| 彩票| 进贤县| 澄江县| 孟津县| 诸城市| 白沙| 湖北省| 瓮安县| 五寨县| 建平县| 正阳县| 夏河县| 荥经县| 和田县| 湛江市| 徐闻县| 常州市| 彩票| 宽甸| 兴化市| 永春县| 五原县|