

Products & Solutions > VR + IMAGING > ANATOMY MASTER


ANATOMY MASTER brings the most accurate 3D medical models of human ANATOMY and physiology into virtual reality. Human anatomy in VR space is interactively studied using the medical human anatomy model developed by ZYGOTE, a world-renowned medical 3D company.

Explore the anatomy of the human body in an unprecedented way and learn the structure and connections of bones, nerves, organs and muscles in every detail. Grab the smallest part of your body, pull it out of your body, and study it from any Angle. Expand human anatomy to more than three times its super-life-size, and use cutters to discover human physiology in real 3D virtual reality. Every part of the body has a label, and the label is in English, Chinese, German, Spanish, Portuguese.

All other MEDICALHOLODECK products can be used in conjunction with ANATOMY MASTER. For example, use both the ANATOMY MASTER and the DICOM VIEWER to compare the ANATOMY model with a DICOM image of a real human body. Or use ANATOMY MASTER in conjunction with The CLOUD, and collaborate in groups to teach and discuss human ANATOMY and physiology.

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